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About us

Brother Brown's Bar-B-Q

Catering to you since 2000

Byrd, Carlas, Benny, Nicky, X, & Ray
Cherry Fest 2013
Belen, Julie, and Xavier
Xavier, Deja, and Belen setting up
John and Benny on break
Shelbe pulling pork
Shelbe, Xavier, and The Boss Man
X signing up for bull riding
Eating Turkey Legs?!
Nicky and X
X, Carlas, Belen
Carlas, X, and Christian
Ray, the Boss Man, and X
Ray and Brother Brown

Carlas Brown

(Brother Brown)

The Crew

           Brother Brown’s Bar-B-Q started in 2000 because a friend loved the meats I smoked and the sauce I made.  Two months after I invited an acquaintance to a pot luck at Manitou Park in Boise ( I worked with his wife at “The Bank” at the time) where I cooked the meat and everyone else brought side dishes, this friend, let’s call him Stan, showed up at my doorstep and asked me to take a ride with him.  We had become better friends in the months following the picnic.  I took a ride with him to a shop where he was working on a project and that project was the smoker I still use today.  I call it Number 1.
           Customers often say to me “You must come from the South with the way you smoke the meat”.  Fact is I am from Ohio and have worked in restaurants in my Jr and Sr High Schools years.  After leaving the Air Force and a couple of different jobs later I started a Memorial Day Picnic in the Park and did that for several years.  This was a way for my Air Force friends to meet the other friends that I had made since being out of the Air Force.  Word got around that this boy Brown can grill, and with the help of my wife who worked as a legal secretary at the time, I was doing office parties for some law firms, doctors offices and FFA auctions, etc…  My big break came when a BBQ vendor at an Annual Soul Food Extravaganza ran out of food way too early and did not want to start more.  I just so happened to bring the smoker that Stan made me to display it if anyone wanted to have one made, Stan could do it.  Well after the vendor said he was not going to start more, I was asked by one of the coordinators to fire it up.  We did and the rest, as they say, is history.
         People ask me all of the time, what it takes to make good barbeque and I say “A whole lot of love and a little Cayenne.”  I used to get embarrassed when people would describe how good the food was but now I take it in stride because I know I put my all into it.  My children and several friends volunteer to help out but I keep them away from the secret sauce recipe.   Thus, I have the words “It’s all in the Sauce” as my slogan. 
Call on us to add a whole lot of love and a little Cayenne to your next function.  
-Brother Brown

© 2017 Proudly made by Deja' Brown

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